Why should Hospitals invest in Research and
why is H-INNOVA-HEALTH INNOVATION HUB the right partner for it?
To faster achieve the following goals:
- increase the quality of life of patients
- to improve working conditions of clinical and nonclinical staff
- to improve effectiveness, efficiency and cost optimization
To have early access to innovative technologies;
To be part of an international consortium with the aim of fostering innovation in health composed by hospitals, universities, institutes, research centers and companies;
To join a network of hospitals associated with H-INNOVA allowing a faster knowledge transfer among institutions and professionals;
To achieve better health indicators (KPI) through innovation;
To allow health professionals to participate as “Mentors” in innovative projects from leading universities and research centers concerning health;
To allow health professionals to have access to participate in the development of STARTUPS on areas of their own interest;
Health professional's capacitation and continuous improvement through facilitated access to bootcamps and immersion programs involving reference faculties on the area of medicine, engineering and economics;
Early adoption of innovation and best clinical practices;
Overall quality improvement;
Healthcare Institution recognition and its professional’s peer recognition;
Talent attraction and retaining of clinical and nonclinical professionals that value innovation and taking part of cutting-edge knowledge organizations;
To be able to participate as a consortium member in calls from European Commission as PCP – Pre-Commercial Procurement (financing up to 90%), PPI – Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (financing up to 35%) and in Digital Europe programme.
Contact us
to better understand why and how your hospital can benefit from joining H-INNOVA: HEALTH INNOVATION HUB, a unique health innovation accelerator in an integrated health tech ecosystem.
For further information concerning hospital participation in H-INNOVA consortium please call:
+ 351 91 782 06 50
or send email to telmo.vieira@premivalor.com